First Challenge You Experience
Please Select
1. My voice sounds as if it's coming from my nose.
2. My voice gets tired as I use it, especially for long periods.
3. I don't put all of the ending sounds on words.
4. My voice sounds "gravelly" at the ends of sentences/phrases.
5. My voice sounds young and/or gets higher as I get stressed.
6. My voice fades away at the ends of sentences/phrases.
7. I frequently have a dry, scratchy throat after speaking.
8. My voice sounds harsh and/or shrill.
9. I sometimes have trouble being understood.
10. I sometimes run out of air when speaking.
11. My voice is weak and thin.
12. I have to clear my throat frequently.
13. I'm often told to "speak up."
14. I sometimes stumble on even simple words.
15. My voice sounds flat and monotone.
Second Challenge You Experience
Please Select
1. My voice sounds as if it's coming from my nose.
2. My voice gets tired as I use it, especially for long periods.
3. I don't put all of the ending sounds on words.
4. My voice sounds "gravelly" at the ends of sentences/phrases.
5. My voice sounds young and/or gets higher as I get stressed.
6. My voice fades away at the ends of sentences/phrases.
7. I frequently have a dry, scratchy throat after speaking.
8. My voice sounds harsh and/or shrill.
9. I sometimes have trouble being understood.
10. I sometimes run out of air when speaking.
11. My voice is weak and thin.
12. I have to clear my throat frequently.
13. I'm often told to "speak up."
14. I sometimes stumble on even simple words.
15. My voice sounds flat and monotone.
Third Challenge You Experience
Please Select
1. My voice sounds as if it's coming from my nose.
2. My voice gets tired as I use it, especially for long periods.
3. I don't put all of the ending sounds on words.
4. My voice sounds "gravelly" at the ends of sentences/phrases.
5. My voice sounds young and/or gets higher as I get stressed.
6. My voice fades away at the ends of sentences/phrases.
7. I frequently have a dry, scratchy throat after speaking.
8. My voice sounds harsh and/or shrill.
9. I sometimes have trouble being understood.
10. I sometimes run out of air when speaking.
11. My voice is weak and thin.
12. I have to clear my throat frequently.
13. I'm often told to "speak up."
14. I sometimes stumble on even simple words.
15. My voice sounds flat and monotone.
Fourth Challenge You Experience
Please Select
1. My voice sounds as if it's coming from my nose.
2. My voice gets tired as I use it, especially for long periods.
3. I don't put all of the ending sounds on words.
4. My voice sounds "gravelly" at the ends of sentences/phrases.
5. My voice sounds young and/or gets higher as I get stressed.
6. My voice fades away at the ends of sentences/phrases.
7. I frequently have a dry, scratchy throat after speaking.
8. My voice sounds harsh and/or shrill.
9. I sometimes have trouble being understood.
10. I sometimes run out of air when speaking.
11. My voice is weak and thin.
12. I have to clear my throat frequently.
13. I'm often told to "speak up."
14. I sometimes stumble on even simple words.
15. My voice sounds flat and monotone.
Fifth Challenge You Experience
Please Select
1. My voice sounds as if it's coming from my nose.
2. My voice gets tired as I use it, especially for long periods.
3. I don't put all of the ending sounds on words.
4. My voice sounds "gravelly" at the ends of sentences/phrases.
5. My voice sounds young and/or gets higher as I get stressed.
6. My voice fades away at the ends of sentences/phrases.
7. I frequently have a dry, scratchy throat after speaking.
8. My voice sounds harsh and/or shrill.
9. I sometimes have trouble being understood.
10. I sometimes run out of air when speaking.
11. My voice is weak and thin.
12. I have to clear my throat frequently.
13. I'm often told to "speak up."
14. I sometimes stumble on even simple words.
15. My voice sounds flat and monotone.
First Name
Last Name
Any Additional Comments or Questions?