Analytical Reading

Trifles Make Perfection, but Perfection is no Trifle. - Michelangelo - (9).png

Analytical Reading is a virtually unique subject, which has proven invaluable to anyone who wants to read aloud naturally and conversationally.  It’s been used by thousands of people over the years; including actors, broadcasters, business people, church lectors and other readers of sacred texts.

Based on the work of Nedra Newkirk Lamar and explained in the book Giving the Sense: How to Read Aloud with Meaning, Analytical Reading explores the logical principles and conversational patterns of everyday speech.  When applied to a page of text or copy, the reading sounds more spontaneous and unaffected.  Clients say it also shows them clearer and deeper meanings in books they’ve studied for years.

Candy studied personally with Lamar and has been teaching AR for over 40 years. She’s received many comments such as the following:

  • From an Analytical Reading Workshop participant:

    • Candy brings a broad and diverse background to what sounds like a one-dimensional, clinical, topic - reading aloud - in order to deliver a highly effective, engaging, and enjoyable course. Her dramatic background helps with colorful explanations, her reading background assists with empathizing and uncovering common habits or mistakes, and even her singing experience helps with tonal shifts needed for improved delivery by students. Candy is a master of the techniques and is as effective explaining basic principles as leading pupils step-by-step into more complex lessons. She is also sensitive to individual needs and identifies different learning paces, adjusting her agenda to make sure everyone understands and participates. Definitely worth the time spent.

  • From a church Scripture reader:

    • It was wonderful learning to open my eyes and ears to see what’s there on the printed page to be shared. You made it fun and exciting to discover the sometimes-hidden meanings in the text. 

  • Karin M. Reed, CEO of Speaker Dynamics, author of On-Camera Coach and former news anchor:

    • Perhaps the most impactful thing my coach taught me, was how to draw out the meaning of the sentence based on proper emphasis and phrasing. To this day, I use those techniques along with others to help me read, but not sound like I’m reading.

  • From a Giving the Sense workshop participant:

    • Thank you for a wonderful Zoom Workshop so professionally run on all levels, enabling our focused learning.  It was a joy and I learned much.

Articles Focused on Reading Aloud