Your talent coaching was extremely valuable for our staff. In fact, there are several of our people who literally owe their careers to you.
Gary Hanson
(former) News Director, WKBN-TV
Youngstown, OH and
Past Chairman
Radio and Television News Directors Association
Dr. Coleman was kind, patient and firm. She encouraged me when I was sick to death of practicing. Some of her simplest hints, i.e. using a pillow behind my back for a two-hour broadcast, made the biggest difference.
Carol Weisman, CSP, MSW
Board Builders
St. Louis, MO
WOW! You certainly were one of the STARS of our conference!
Nancy Wegge, Director
Career Connection Regional Center
Jefferson College
Hillsboro, MO
Candy eliminated my Midwestern twang and regional abuses of the language. Not only is my delivery much improved, I also have an air of confidence that wasn’t there before.
Karin Reed
Former News Anchor, WJAR-TV
Providence, RI
You were sensitive to my fears and gave me several practical exercises to use. I followed your suggestions and found that the exercises are simple, quick and effective and helped me focus on the points in the talk rather than on my anxiety.
Catherine C. Harper,
(former) Planned Giving Officer,
The Principia,
St. Louis, MO
None of us likes to hear about the things we need to do to improve, yet the genuineness of your desire to help comes through so powerfully that it was easy to hear the constructive comments you offered.
Dale Furtwengler
Furtwengler & Associates, P.C.
St. Louis, MO
The information you presented on powerful voices and the techniques you used to help others was invaluable. You are a valuable role model and mentor for all women.
J. Colleen Bromley
Vice President/President Elect
Metro-East Professional Women
Swansea, IL
My day in your office as a student was an excellent investment in terms of time and money. You’re a true pro delivering value.
Jack Perry, Senior Vice President
National Sales Development
Manulife Wood Logan
Santa Barbara, CA
WOW! What a great interactive workshop on voice and projection. We have not had such an interactive and drill based workshop in my tenure with the Oklahoma Speakers Association (OSA).
Dr. Jeffery L. Magee, PDM,CSP,CMC
Jeff Magee International
Tulsa, OK
You were right on the mark in guiding me to those specifics which help me fulfill the privilege of serving audiences in a much more memorable fashion.